Monday, December 8, 2014

The glorious Garmin Forerunner 920XT has arrived!

Friday morning I received and email telling me that my Garmin Forerunner 920XT that I had ordered from Running Warehouse was being shipped to me! I WAS SO EXCITED, because on the website it had said that it wouldn't even arrive to their warehouse until the 13th, and that was just a rough estimate. To be getting it over a week before scheduled was so exciting!

The 920XT is brand spankin' new, and came out not too long ago. Happy to have it in my greedy little hands.

A full review will come later on my friend Rini's and my review site FiveFootGear (coming soon!), but I just wanted to share my excitement.

A few words of note are that while the watch is huge, especially on my little asian wrist, it is surprisingly light. Noticeably lighter than it's older version the 910XT. It is also in color! Being an artist, I know that it just sucks battery and is a pointless perk, but I love it!

Had to make some adjustments
Also, the heart rate strap had to be adjusted for my size. I haven't measured my torso, but for my last heart rate strap I also had to make adjustments so I guess I'm not that upset. I am annoyed at how complicated the strap was to figure out though, as far as adjusting. I don't like that I had to make any cuts into the fabric but it was a simple fix.

I love that it's like a fitbit and tracks my moves, and connects to all my apps. If you're on Garmin Connect, add me! My user name is HeatherIhn. I'm probably going a little app crazy, with way too many devices, but you know what? DATA IS FUN FOR ME. Yeah I'm boring, yeah I color inside the lines (for the most part) but it's who I am!

Anyway, more to come later. I'm going to be doing my first run tomorrow with this beast and I'll have more to tell.

It looks pretty good on my 5'11" boyfriend's wrists.


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