I'm thrilled to report that I HAVE made some progress, although slight, in my running. I'm trying to focus on a longer warm-up, and to build into my heart rate zone (145-150) slower. (I set my warmups as a separate run so I can get a better idea of an average pace). I've had a lot of success, and it helps me relax a little knowing that I have a little more space to slow down or speed up if I want to. I also managed to get my 8 miler in UNDER an 11 minute mile, which doesn't sound very fast but it's a goal I've been aiming for. Today's 11 mile run ended up being 11:09 but I was running on tired legs. I find at the tail ends of my runs it's really difficult to keep my heart rate down because it crawls up.
I don't eat before any of my runs, but I've also been having a hard time eating enough on the days that I do go on a long run afterwards, so I might need to start eating a bit in the mornings just to give myself a little extra jolt and nutrition. I guess it didn't help that I didn't roll out of bed until 10:30 this morning, and I didn't start my run until 11:30.
Some things I'm struggling with that maybe other MAFers can help me out on, is I really miss strength training. I've listened to some podcasts about strength training in the maf method but I don't have giant weights or boulders that I can throw down in my house, and I miss doing core work and leg work. I also am not sure to include my warm up into my running plan because I'm walking for 90% of the warmup. I suppose that counts...
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I'm not sure what's "allowed" as far as strength training and MAF, but I know that Larisa Danis (2nd woman at Western States this year) trains using low HR and she does a lot of kettlebell work. I think she's on Strava now, if you want to follow her workouts, though she recently fractured her leg, so I'm not sure what she's up to.
ReplyDeleteOh I've actually already been following Larisa Danis! I'm sad she's gotten injured but she seems like she's going into beast mode with the weights. I think she's probably already built her aerobic base and can do a little more threshold stuff, so I'm going to stick with taking it easy until I feel a little bit stronger aerobically. Maybe do some planks or something. :P Thanks for the recommendation!