Sunday, February 15, 2015

Still improving! Lots of energy today, and some Paleo "corn" bread!

I don't have a lot to say since I last posted, but I wanted to show you my latest times for my 10 miler! Even though I felt a bit slow and achy today from the MARATHON yesterday, I was surprised to see that I still managed to improve. It was pretty rough to start and my warm up was showing an already high heart rate. I really didn't think I'd be able to go very fast, but it wasn't too bad. 

You know one of the problems about the Maffetone Method? There's a lot of awkward slow passing. I can't rev up the engine and politely scoot by a person going almost the same pace. Instead, I just verrrryyyy slowly pass them over a long period of time. This happened today, and I'm betting that me and this old man were both pretty fed up with each other. 

As you can tell from my activity title, I learned that you should probably just pop any blisters that form, so that they don't get larger when you run again. Normally I just let them do their thang, but I've never had any that really caused me any pain. This one on my little toe was CRAZY painful, and I ended up limping home and ripping off my sock. I spent a majority of my day limping until the pain subsided.

Amazingly, even though this is my highest mileage week of my entire life by FAR, I have a lot of energy today! I finished my run by 9:30am, and then we went to the farmer's market where I gimped around for a bit. Then I came home and mowed both the front and back lawns. This shouldn't have been a very big task, but it was since A) our lawn mower is on the fritz, and B) our lawns were wayyy overgrown from abandoning them for the past couple of months. I was sweating buckets just trying to start the stupid thing, and then having to stop every 10 feet to unload the grass clippings was a pain. I didn't stop there, instead I decided to pull deeply embedded grass that had overgrown in our garden bed. My hamstrings will be mad at me tomorrow...

OMG 7 weeks left!!! 

Laundry's done, dishes are done, and I even cooked me some paleo "cornbread"! MMM it's SO good. I threw in some flaxseeds just for fun. I'm slowly starting to incorporate more sugar and carbs (sweet potatoes, honey, squashes) now that I have a pretty solid base. Hopefully this will rev things up and allow me to perform even better! 


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