Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

My wonderful boyfriend and one of my dogs.
This morning I had a lot of time to reflect on what I was most thankful for. Especially going at an 11 min mile. There are too many things to list actually. Most importantly, I'm thankful I found a wonderful boyfriend that loves the same things as me, and also supports me in all my crazy food things and running activities. Thank goodness for my health, my legs, and this often forgetful but determined brain of mine.

I've had a rough week, running wise. I seem to be moving backward, each run getting a little bit slower. I'm sure there are a lot of factors, the most important one being that on Monday I felt a little too ambitious and did some high impact strength exercises and rock climbing which I think set me back. Apparently you're never supposed to get your heart rate into your anaerobic zone while you're trying to get a good base. Whoops. I paid for that, not only in soreness but in slower times and a higher, angrier heart rate. Running slower has given me the ability to go much farther though with no injury or soreness. Goodbye ibuprofen! (I never recommend taking ibuprofen before runs, but I'm not going to lie and say I never did it.)

On the flip side, my diet is awesome. Even after the big turkey meal, I think I stayed pretty true and stuck with the green veggies and turkey meat. I have never felt so great. I think my body really needed the extra fat, as well as a break from all the sugar. My energy seems to be endless and I've been bouncing off the walls most of the week. I don't get food comas anymore, and I never get hungry on my runs even if I don't eat anything prior.

Pelican on the bay trail this morning
I also tried this whole butter and coconut oil blended with coffee thing (Bulletproof coffee started the trend, read more about that here but I'm not endorsing it). I see why it's such a popular thing now! It's delicious! I did a tablespoon of coconut oil, a few drops of vanilla, and a tsp of butter. It blended into a frothy fatty goodness (about 20 seconds), and kept me satisfied for a few hours. My magic bullet blender was perfect for this.

All in all it was a pretty successful day. It may have started out a bit disappointing with my slower times but I made sure to stop and remember that I'm just lucky to be out there, and that my legs are healthy and that I have such a beautiful place to run. And finally, my last "thanks" for the night will be to you for checking out today's post.


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